What is the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021?
This bill addresses provisions related to federal-aid highway, transit, highway safety, motor carrier, research, hazardous materials, and rail programs of the Department of Transportation (DOT). It also funds the Bureau of Transportation Statistics for another 4 years.
Public Law No: 117-58 - Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (AKA Bipartisan Infrastructure Law)
This bill was signed by the President on November 15, 2021.
This bill addresses provisions related to federal-aid highway, transit, highway safety, motor carrier, research, hazardous materials, and rail programs of the Department of Transportation (DOT). It also funds the Bureau of Transportation Statistics for another 4 years.
To view the text of the bill, click here: PDF (2MB)
Among other provisions, the bill
- Reauthorizes for FY2023-FY2026 several surface transportation programs, including the federal-aid highway program, transit programs, highway safety, motor carrier safety, and rail programs;
- Addresses climate change, including strategies to reduce the climate change impacts of the surface transportation system and a vulnerability assessment to identify opportunities to enhance the resilience of the surface transportation system and ensure the efficient use of federal resources;
- Revises Buy America procurement requirements for highways, mass transit, and rail;
- Establishes a rebuild rural bridges program to improve the safety and state of good repair of bridges in rural communities;
- Implements new safety requirements across all transportation modes; and
- Directs DOT to establish a pilot program to demonstrate a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee to restore and maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund and achieve and maintain a state of good repair in the surface transportation system.
- Extends FY2021 enacted levels through FY2022 for federal-aid highway, transit, and safety programs;
Source: Congress.gov summary
You can find a fact sheet on the provisions of this bill from the USDOT at https://www.transportation.gov/briefing-room/fact-sheet-what-bipartisan-infrastructure-deal-will-mean-american-mobility.
The main website for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is: https://www.transportation.gov/bipartisan-infrastructure-law
For a summary of highway-related funding, please see www.fhwa.dot.gov/bipartisan-infrastructure-law/
You can submit your questions and feedback at https://www.transportation.gov/bipartisan-infrastructure-law/bil-feedback
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