Where can I find general transportation statistics?


Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) Publications​:

  • National Transportation Statistics: presents statistics on the U.S. transportation system, including its physical components, safety record, economic performance, the human and natural environment, and national security.  This is a large online document comprising more than 260 data tables plus data source and accuracy statements, glossary and a list of acronyms and initialisms.

  • The Pocket Guide to Transportation: compilation of statistics that provides key information and highlights major trends for the U.S. transportation system. Intended as a compact transportation reference, this publication supports the mission of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics to create, manage, and make transportation statistics readily accessible to the public. 

  • State Transportation Statistics: series of reports highlighting major federal databases and other national sources related to each state's infrastructure, safety, freight movement and passenger travel, vehicles, economy and finance, and energy and the environment. Along with tables generated for each state, the reports describe databases and give information on access, formats, and contact points.

  • Transportation Statistics Annual Report: describes the Nation’s transportation system, the system’s performance, its contributions to the economy, and its effects on people and the environment. This 21st edition of the report is based on information collected or compiled by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), a principle Federal statistical agency at the U.S. Department of Transportation.

For more BTS statistical information please see Browse Statistical Products and Data | Bureau of Transportation Statistics (bts.gov).

To access the NTL's printable brochure "Finding Transportation Statistics," click here. 

  • Last Updated Sep 13, 2024
  • Views 224
  • Answered By Victoria Milam

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